Sunday, February 3, 2013

Movie Review - Congo

Today is "Congo"

Starring Dylan Walsh, Laura Linney, Ernie Hudson and Tim Curry

A satellite communications corporation has spotted what is to be believed an uncharted diamond mine in the deep forests of the Congo region. While an expedition team has already been eaten by the natives of the area, the corp. sends out another team. Meanwhile a teacher who wishes to return his beloved gorilla, Amy, to her own home in the jungles, an enterprising world traveler Herkermer Homolka (Curry) sees an opportunity to find the legendary kingdom of Zinj, which happens to be the same place where other unfortunate teams eventually became dinner.

Dr. Karen Ross (Linney) and the expedition leader Monroe Kelly (Hudson) get an airplane overseas, then while at a central African airport, the airport is attacked. They find their way steadily to the destination of their starting point, which will lead them into the Congo and eventually to the diamond mine. Nevermind that after the airport was blown up, their escape plane was shot at by rocket-launchers, causing them to have to jump to save their lives, there's an unknown species (akin to the gorilla) lurking and waiting.

Congo offers the solace that you are the endangered species, and that traveling through foreign countries can be survived, if you have a parachute.

This has been my Movie Review. Feel the spirit of Africa.

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